Womens Jacket - Small/ Medium, Black Purple Steampunk, Festival Clothing, Stylish Coat, Burning Man, Hipster, Tailored, Fitted, Rebel Jacket Toggled Jacket Drawstring Jacket Belted Jacket

Primary color Black
Size Small/Medium

The Rebel Jacket is the perfect layer to add to your wardrobe. Made from stretch midweight canvas, lined with soft cotton poplin then framed with leather accents and antique brass bling, This sleek cut, Revolutionary inspired jacket ranks high in the field.
Be all that you can be in the Reble jacket.
We salute you.

Womens Jacket - Small/ Medium, Black Purple Steampunk, Festival Clothing, Stylish Coat, Burning Man, Hipster, Tailored, Fitted, Rebel Jacket


1 S/M Black (CA)

1 S/M Purple (CA)

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